
Cambridge Maths School

The Cambridge Maths School – a specialist sixth form developed in partnership with the University of Cambridge with a focus on pioneering learning and increasing diversity in the field of maths.

Based in Mill Road, Cambridge, the School welcomes 16 to 19-year-old A-Level students from across the East of England, and aims to attract more female students into maths subjects, more students from minority ethnic groups, and more students from socially and educationally disadvantaged backgrounds.
All students study maths and further maths, and then choose from physics, chemistry, biology or computer science A-Levels. The School joins a nationwide network of maths schools, one for every region of England, announced by the government.
The principal aim of maths schools is to help prepare more of the UK’s most mathematically able students to succeed in maths disciplines at top universities, and address the UK’s skills shortage in science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM) subjects.